Some great activities are coming up in Caer Gwyn and around the region. Be sure not to miss a thing!
Yule Moot: Sunday December 8, 1:30 – 7:00 at Maeve’s (2715 Western Ave, Mattoon, IL). Business meeting at 1:30, Activities from 3-5pm; pot luck feast 5:30pm. White elephant gift exchange. Rides from C-U available.
Monthly Business meeting: Sunday February 2; 5-6pm, Stock Pavilion
Sewing Nights. Tuesdays, Jan 30; Feb 13. 7-9pm, Illini Union Rm 403.
Sewing nights. March 12, 26. llini Union Rm 403. Bring whatever garb you are currently working on!
Archery Practices. Sundays; March 1 – Caer Gwyn’s annual Novice Tourney and Shire championship!! 3-5pm, U of I Stock Pavilion. (For additional dates, see our Facebook page. )
Rapier Practices. Weekly on Sundays, 3-5 pm, U of I Stock Pavilion (no practices during UofI holiday breaks)
Festival of Maidens. Saturday, January 25 8am-11pm. Orr Building, Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield. Click on links & dropdown menu above for more details.
Middle Kingdom 12th Night and Tournament of Arts. Saturday, January 11, 9am-10pm, Fairfield Inn and Suites, Schaumberg IL. Sponsored by the Barony of Ayerton. Click here for more details.
This is just a small sample of the great things coming up in the near future. For more dates, be sure to see the Caer Gwyn Google calendar (tab above), check out our local event pages (tabs above) or visit the Midrealm calendar for events around the kingdom: