Sept. 20-24 activities

Fencing Practice and Arts and Science night Tuesday, September 20th, from 5:30 PM til it gets dark around 8

Main Quad Outside the Illini Union (1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL).

  • Since we will be outside this week, a few of our fencers will be out early to practice before it gets dark.
  • Be sure to wear long pants, closed-toed shoes, and long sleeves.
  • Novices are welcome! Loaner equipment will be provided for newcomers. Please bring your own water (we are not allowed to share).
  • For all those not interested in fencing, all are welcome to bring a craft to take part in, share your knowledge and socialize with friends. 

Medieval Music Practice of the Semester Thursday, September 22ndfrom 5:30 PM to 7 PM

Illini Union Room 407 (1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL).

  • Becky will be there to help anyone learn a new instrument. This is a chance to learn to play medieval music on recorders and other medieval instruments.
  • No prior experience is needed, but some music reading ability would be helpful. Bring your (period-esque) instrument if you have one, but she’ll have recorders available to lend or buy.

Fall 2022 Coronation- September 24  at 8 AM-10 PM

Vasa Park 35w217 State Route 31, South Elgin, IL 60177

  • Join us for the Coronation of AnneMarie and Dag. There will be both a morning court for Runa and Arch and an evening court for the incoming royals AnneMarie and Dag. There will be armored and rapier combat, heavy combat, thrown weapons, merchants, and a feast in the evening. Some of our local members will be day-tripping, so it is possible that carpools can be arranged.
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