Fencing Practice and Arts and Science night Tuesday, November 15th, from 6:30 PM to 9 PM

Illini Union Ballroom (1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL).

  • Novices are welcome! Loaner equipment will be provided for newcomers. Please bring your own water (we are not allowed to share).
  • All those not interested in fencing are welcome to bring a craft to take part in, share your knowledge and socialize with friends. 
  • Since it went so well last week, We will be bringing back the drop spindles for everyone to use this week as Lauren and Sammie teach how to spin wool into yarn.

Archery Practice Sunday, November 20th, from 3 PM to 5 PM

Stock Pavilion (1402 W Pennsylvania Ave, Urbana, IL)

  • Archers of any experience level (including first-timers) are welcome! 45-pound draw weight maximum for bows. Loaner equipment will be available for those who have none. Please bring your own water (we are not allowed to share).
  • This will be the last practice before the archery championship in December, so be sure to show up so you can bring your best then.

December Moot and Caer Gwyn Archery Championship Sunday, December 4th from 3 PM to 5 PM

Stock Pavilion (1402 W Pennsylvania Ave, Urbana, IL)

  • This is a semi-annual meeting among the local group to share arts and science projects, discuss plans for upcoming events, have a potluck, and hold our group archery championships.
  • Even though this is the group championship, archers of any experience level (including first-timers) are welcome! 45-pound draw weight maximum for bows. Loaner equipment will be available for those who have none. Please bring your own water (we are not allowed to share).

Festival of Maidens 2023 Saturday, January 28th from 8 AM to 9 PM

Illini Union (1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL).

  • This is our local group’s biggest event of the year, so I wanted to give as much advanced notice as possible now that we have confirmation of space, tournaments, and classes.
  • The event will include fencing tournaments, heavy combat tournaments, and arts and science classes throughout the day. More information, including the class and tournament schedule, will be coming as those become confirmed.
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